Doppelrotor MIMO

Doppelrotor MIMO
Doppelrotor MIMO

This product is classified as a dangerous good and is not available for online purchase.

For ordering the dangerous good or other information please contact our customer service center.
This experiment/set up contains dangerous goods.
These are not available for online purchase.
You may order the experiment/set up without the dangerous goods.

For ordering the dangerous good or other information please contact our customer service center.
Telephone:+49 (0) 22 33 / 604 – 319
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Détails d’équipement

1 33-007-PCI Ensemble de deux rotors MIMO FB
1 33-007I Système de deux rotors MIMO FB
Complément nécessaire
0 PC with PCI interface and Windows 7/8/10/11 64-Bit
0  pour Windows 7 Service Pack 1 : MATLAB™ de la version R2015b (V8.6) à R2017b (V9.3)
0 Boîtes à outils MATLAB™ (1) : Simulink, Control System, System Identification
0 Boîtes à outils MATLAB™: Simulink Desktop Real-Time, MATLAB Coder, Simulink Coder
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